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T.A.G. visits Flair Cleaners in Los Angeles

Tuchman Advisory Group (T.A.G.) held an extremely successful meeting on November 7-9, 2018 hosted by Gary Futterman and Drew Singer of Flair Cleaners in Los Angeles, CA

Highlights of the meeting included; tour and critique of several Flair Cleaner locations, hearing presentations from each member, and open discussion on a variety of industry issues of immediate concern. Members enjoyed staying at the historic Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, CA.

A key benefit of T.A.G. membership is reviewing the YTD numbers of each of our affiliated businesses. This strictly confidential analysis is extremely helpful to all members for accountability and comparison purposes.

Our featured speaker at this meeting for T.A.G. was Bruce Frankel with Eckhoff Wealth Management, LLC. located in San Rafael, CA. Frankel discussed his best-selling new book, The 7 Biggest Financial Mistakes Made by Successful Entrepreneurs.

We were pleased to welcome Ben and Mary Combs (Judi’s Cleaners/Sacramento, CA) and Grant Carson (Martinizing/Alameda, CA) as new members of T.A.G. at this meeting.

On Friday evening, we concluded with a delicious dinner at Miceli’s Italian Restaurant in Hollywood, CA. Waiters took turns singing throughout the evening accompanied the piano player at Miceli’s. After dinner, we went to see Trump in Space – The Musical, at the Second City Theater. This show was co-produced and co-written by Landon Kirksey who is the son of T.A.G. member Rick Kirkey of Munro Cleaners. The show was great, enjoyed by all, and is a must-see when in the Los Angeles area.

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