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MW Cleaners in Houston, TX ~ February 8-10, 2017

The Tuchman Advisory Group held an informative and very successful meeting in Houston, TX where we visited numerous MW Cleaners locations. The Clean Closet, their new 24/7 locker-based concept dry store and the Gleannlock package plant, a 3600 square foot facility with multiple drive through lanes. The newly designed state-of-the-art Tuckerton plant was built so that every detail of interior design and equipment was specifically constructed to match the MW Cleaners corporate colors. A glass window behind the front counter was constructed so customers can view the entire dry cleaning process in action. The Central Plant is a 24,000 square foot facility doing production for 10 locations and 10 routes. Our last stop was the Memories Wedding Gown cleans and preserves 90,000 gowns annually.

In addition, each T.A.G. member gave a presentation to update everyone on their individual company. Other topics addressed during the meeting included; a critique of the MW Cleaners operations, financial comparisons, and 2017 goal setting. Many of our members stayed the weekend, experiencing a relaxing day of fishing and clay shooting.

T.A.G. Meeting @ MW Cleaners in Houston, TX, February 8-10, 2017

(Group Photo)

Front row (L to R): Anni Lundy (Memories Gown Preservation), Guest,

Cyndee Billoni (Colvin Cleaners), Anne Nash (Highland Cleaners), Jill Watkins (Martinizing),

Lee Makepeace (Medlin-Davis Cleaners, North), Lauren Houston (Crest Cleaners).

Middle row (L to R): Kyle Nesbit (MW Cleaners), Dave Coyle (In The Bag Cleaners),

Drew Singer (Flair Cleaners), Dave Zimmerman (In The Bag Cleaners),

Paul Billoni (Colvin Cleaners), Ellen Rothmann (Tuchman Advisory Group),

Guest, Todd Watkins (Martinizing), Peter Bergmann (Bergmann’s Cleaning),

David Makepeace (Medlin-Davis Cleaners, North).

Back row (L to R): Kevin Houston (Crest Cleaners), Gary Futterman (Flair Cleaners)

Chuck Haddox (MW Cleaners), Jeremy Huebel (Munro Cleaners), Rick Kirksey (Munro Cleaners), Heath Bolin (Sparkle Cleaners), Brett Allen (Medlin-Davis, South),

Ron Garrett (MW Cleaners), Mike Nesbit (MW Cleaners), Keith Houston (Crest Cleaners).

Not pictured: Chris Billoni (Colvin Cleaners), Jana Janssen (Martinizing Green Earth Cleaners), Terry Quinn (MW Cleaners), Bruce Squires (Martinizing Green Earth Cleaners)

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